A declaration of co-operation

Toruń Teacher Training College of Foreign Languages hereby declares its will to co-operate with educational organizations throughout Europe in the following areas:

  • Training teachers of foreign languages (pre-service)
  • Developing teachers of foreign languages (in-service)
  • Education of adults and continual (further) education
  • Quality management in education
  • Foreign language teaching in early school education (Young Learners)
  • Teaching practice (Practicum)
  • Mentoring
  • Using Information Technology in foreign language teaching
  • Exchange of students and teachers (mobility)


Toruń Teacher Training College
ul. Sienkiewicza 38
87-100 Toruń

tel.: (+48) (056)661 75 85
fax.: (+48) (056)661 75 55

specjalnosc francuska specjalnosc niemiecka specjalnosc angielska